Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a powerful tool used for database management for many years. Installing MSSQL on Linux is fairly easy when the correct steps are followed. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step installation process using the "linux mssql installation" keyword to help you meet your requirements. Let's get started!
Before you begin installing MSSQL on Linux, there are some basic requirements to meet. First, you need to choose a suitable Linux distribution. MSSQL Server can run on distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, and Ubuntu.
Once you meet these requirements, make sure your system is up to date. You can use the following commands to update your system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
These commands are for Ubuntu and Debian-based systems. If you're using RHEL or CentOS, you can use the `yum update` command instead.
The next step is to add the required repositories for MSSQL Server packages. Microsoft provides official repositories for MSSQL Server. You can add these repositories using the following commands:
# For Ubuntu curl | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "$(curl$(lsb_release -rs)/prod.list)" # For CentOS/RHEL sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/mssql-server.repo
After adding the repositories, install the MSSQL Server packages:
# For Ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install -y mssql-server # For CentOS/RHEL sudo yum install -y mssql-server
After installing the packages, you need to configure MSSQL Server. The configuration process will require you to accept the license agreement and set an administrator (sa) password. Start the configuration by entering the following command in the terminal:
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup
When this command is executed, you will be presented with various options. Make the necessary configurations and complete the setup. After the setup is finished, start the MSSQL Server service and enable it to start automatically:
sudo systemctl start mssql-server sudo systemctl enable mssql-server
After successfully installing MSSQL Server, you can start managing your databases and creating new users. To connect to MSSQL Server, you can use the SQLCMD tool:
sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P 'YourPassword'
Once connected, you can create a new database using the following command:
CREATE DATABASE ExampleDatabase;
To create a new user and grant them permissions, use these commands:
CREATE LOGIN ExampleUser WITH PASSWORD = 'StrongPassword123!'; CREATE USER ExampleUser FOR LOGIN ExampleUser; ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER ExampleUser;
Finally, it's important to optimize MSSQL Server performance and configure security settings. The following steps can guide you in these areas:
Performance and security are crucial for the healthy operation of MSSQL Server. Review these settings regularly and follow updates.